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Cardiac Care

No one knows better than Columbus Regional the importance of diagnostic testing to anticipate cardiac problems and the ongoing treatments needed to help patients recover from cardiac events. Columbus Regional’s cardiac care program features a wide variety of non-invasive, diagnostic procedures to monitor cardiac performance.

Our cardiac rehab program features three phases designed to facilitate a patient's recovery. A combination of monitored exercise, nutritional education and educational programs are employed to develop a plan to maintain (and sustain) cardiac health.


  • EKG 2-D
  • Echocardiography
  • Stress testing
  • Echo stress testing

Heart Health Tips & Facts

  • Men and women experience different heart attack symptoms. It's no secret that men and women have vast biological differences, but what may not be as well known is how differently men and women may exhibit heart attack symptoms. Symptoms in men are usually revealed in the form of chest pain, pain in one or both arms and shortness of breath. Women's symptoms can be harder to recognize and may manifest in the form of shoulder, jaw or back pain, nausea, cold sweats, exhaustion, and/or chest pain that is sharp and burning1.
  • Approximately half of Americans currently have one of three major risk factors for heart disease2, which includes having high blood pressure, having high cholesterol and smoking. Other prominent risk factors include: diabetes, excessive alcohol use, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet choices.
  • Heart disease is preventable. By not smoking or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, consuming a healthy diet and integrating regular physical activity into your routine, you can decrease your risk of developing heart disease3.

If You Feel Heart Attack Symptoms:

  • Call 9-1-1. Do NOT delay in receiving treatment. If you are experiencing heart attack symptoms, seek emergency medical attention. Do NOT drive to the hospital or have a friend or family member drive you. An ambulance will get you to a hospital much faster and safer and can also administer oxygen, heart medications, pain relief and/or other necessary, life-saving medical treatment.
  • After calling 9-1-1: Avoid any physical activity. If you are not alone, have someone gather any medications you may be taking so doctors and paramedics are aware. Chew one, adult strength, uncoated aspirin. This will help to keep blood from clotting, which will cause further strain on your heart.


500 Jefferson Street
Whiteville, NC 28472


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