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Imaging Services

A couple of other things that I wanted to share with you with respect to our strategic initiatives. This is really around our ambulatory platform, our outpatient platform. As many of you know, we added a new MRI that was about $2.2 million of equipment and technology that we added to the hospital in September. What we have here in this community is absolutely state-of-the-art imaging. The kind of imaging that you would get if you went to Duke Hospital, if you went to Carolinas Healthcare System or if you went to New Hanover. Bigger is not better.

I’m very, very proud of the radiology and imaging platform that we’ve put together, not just with our MRIs, but with our CT scanners, with our mammography, with our digital imaging. I mentioned our wound care clinic, and David is here, who leads our wound care program and hyperbaric medicine. We were one of the first hospitals in the region to offer hyperbaric services. This is my fourth community forum and at all three of the other ones, someone has come to me and said that they had an experience at our wound care clinic which, essentially, either saved a limb or changed their lives. They were so grateful that we had it here, so it’s a great service that I’m very proud of.


Columbus Regional has invested $2.2 million of equipment and technology in imaging services with the addition of a state-of-the-art MRI machine. Additionally, CRHS has expanded services further with Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) equipment, and has consistently implemented the finest, groundbreaking equipment, being one of the first hospitals in the region to offer hyperbaric services. The wound care clinic has also been extremely successful.

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